Finding Time for Yourself
By now most of us have gotten used to being at home all the time and spending all of our time with all of our family members. Now, more than ever, we realise how important selfcare is! We need to look after ourselves to be able to look after the rest of our family.

“Your mentality changes your reality!”
As a team we’ve been fortunate enough to have been given some excellent advice for precisely this, which we want to share with you:
- Plan it! Plan specific time for yourself into your week. Even if it is just 1 hour. It’s an hour that you can focus on something that will recharge your batteries and maybe also help you destress. We find using our ‘me time’ to be outside or sit by a window really helps elevate our mood.
- Communicate it! Speak to your family and your caregiver about your plans to carve out time for yourself. Involve them in finding the right time in the week for it. And enjoy it!
- No Guilt! Everyone needs a break now and then, there is no reason to feel guilty about it.
- Empathy! We are all going through things at the moment. Your children are not at school and having to learn from home. You are most likely also working from home. Your caregiver is worried about what’s going on with their family back in Germany. Be empathetic with each other and think about how everyone is feeling. Support each other to the best of your abilities.